Summer Treat Recipes Every Dog Owner Should Try

dog friendly recipes

Whether it’s from training or just plain spoiling, our furry friends deserve treats every so often! But with mysterious ingredients and unhealthy additives, store-bought treats might not always be the best choice. Instead, try making homemade ones! Below you’ll find biscuit and ice cream recipes along with some hacks to beat the summer heat.

Homemade Dog Biscuits  

Homemade biscuits are great for your own dog, but can also be used in goodie bags or as gifts to other furbaby owners! Making your dough at home also means that you can cater the size of the treat to the size of your dog. Try this recipe for Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Dog Treats. It combines all dog-safe ingredients to create a crunchy and satisfying snack. But, if pumpkin makes your pup’s nose turn up, then try this recipe for Apple Carrot Dog Biscuits. With all-natural ingredients, these treats are tasty to dogs AND humans! Make your treats even better with these cute dog-themed cookie cutters.


Homemade Dog Ice Cream

Nothing sounds better on a hot summer day than a cold, sweet ice cream cone. Right? We bet your dog agrees! But before you hit the road to Dairy Queen, check out some of these homemade recipes that are both easy to make, and safe for your pup. Try this recipe for Peanut Butter Ice Cream that combines peanut butter, yogurt, baby food and honey- is your dog drooling yet? Or try this ice cream that includes carob chips. Similar in taste to dark chocolate, carob chips are made from a type of pea & contain all sorts of vitamins that are not toxic to dogs. During the summer, dog-friendly ice cream treats are a great way to reward your pup, while also keeping them cool! with a durable clip and are dishwasher and microwave safe. Use them in lunches or to store food like chicken and fruit in the freezer.


Hot Weather Hacks  

If you think summer is hot, imagine how it feels covered in fur! Along with ice cream treats, there are plenty of clever ways to prevent an overheated pup. Try taking walks early in the morning or late in the evening, when temperatures aren’t at their peak. If adjusting your schedule just won’t work, consider purchasing a cooling vest. It will protect your pooch from the sun’s rays and work to evaporate sweat through its fabric. Another easy way to keep your dog cool is with ice cube tray treats! Simply fill an ice cube tray with water (or a little bit of chicken broth) and a few dog treats. Once frozen, pop them out and let your dog play!


Keep your pup safe this summer and remember to stop at your local Sparkle Market for all of the fresh ingredients you need to make your dog treats a success!