
5 Easy Ways to Reduce Plastics in the Kitchen

5 Easy Ways To Reduce Plastics in the kitchen

Found in most packaging and consumer products, plastic is a major contributor to ocean pollution and the release of toxic chemicals. The use and disposal of plastic is seriously threatening both wildlife and the human population. So, what can you do to help?

Buy in Bulk

Not only do you save money when buying groceries in bulk, but you also significantly cut down on plastic packaging. Instead of purchasing single-serve yogurt cups, purchase one large yogurt (then separate into smaller glass containers later). Need more toilet paper? Purchase the larger bundle and store in a closet at home. If the product has a long shelf-life, try buying it in bulk.

Ditch the Plastic Re-Sealable Bags   

This is a tough one to be rid of, but HUGE for the environment if you can. Swap your disposable, single-use plastic bags for their silicone counterparts. They’re leak-proof and dishwasher, microwave and freezer-safe. Or, use re-usable containers.

Use Re-Usable Grocery Bags

Re-usable grocery bags are becoming more and more popular among eco-conscious shoppers. Rather than taking home a cart full of plastic bags, use fabric re-usable ones. They’re more durable than plastic bags (no more broken handles!) and they’re inexpensive to purchase.

Avoid Plastic Wrap

It’s almost picnic and cookout season, which means lots and lots of pasta salads covered with plastic wrap. This summer, try using either (1) regular lids or (2) a re-usable plastic wrap alternative. What’s a plastic wrap alternative you may ask? These food wraps by Etee are one example, made out of organic cotton soaked in natural oils. They can be washed and reused up to 150 times.

The Last Plastic Straw    

The Last Plastic Straw project has rocked the world recently with its simple mission: get rid of single-use plastic straws by refusing to use them. A lot of restaurants, hotels and companies have jumped on the #NoStrawPlease train and you can too. How? Opt for reusable alternatives like stainless steel straws or bamboo straws or when out to eat, drink your drink straw-free.

Next time you stop by your local Sparkle Market for all the quality ingredients you need, pause and think of ways you can reduce plastics during your shopping trip!