Sparkle’s Ultimate Guide to Summer Side Dishes

summer side dishes

Although the summer potluck invitations may have been few and far between this year, that doesn’t mean you can’t still throw together some delicious, fresh side dishes for yourself and your family to enjoy! Check out our recipes below.

Pasta Salads

Pasta salads are undoubtedly one of the most versatile summer side dishes out there. Between the different types of pastas, sauces and mix-ins, there’s nearly endless recipe options. The best part? You can probably find a recipe that fits what you already have in your kitchen! Here’s a few pasta salad recipes worth trying:



Potato side dishes go beyond your average potato salad. Think: Cheesy potatoes, roasted potatoes and potato skins too. Here’s some of our favorite potato side dishes that we hope you like too!


Beans ‘n Greens

Sometimes when it comes to sides it’s nice to just keep things simple, right? Cue the humble bean (sometimes paired with green). Pro tip: Make any of these recipes in the slow cooker for easier cleanup and minimal heat in the kitchen.


Fruits & Dips

Summer is definitely the best time to bring fruity side dishes or simple dips. With so many fresh fruits in season, you have tons of options to choose from. And dips give guests a light option to snack on, rather than dishing out a heavy full-course meal.


Now that you have your recipe(s), make sure to stop by your local Sparkle Market for all the quality fresh ingredients you need to make your summer side dish a success!