
Prevent a Stinky Kitchen with These Natural Solutions

how to prevent a stinky kitchen with natural solutions

Whether we like it or not, rising summer temperatures can sometimes lead to unpleasant, and unwanted, smells in the kitchen. Not sure how to get rid of last night’s fish dinner? Or maybe there’s a not-so-great smell coming from the sink? Scroll below for a few natural solutions to prevent those pesky kitchen odors.

Clean Out the Sink

The kitchen sink is undoubtedly your main way of cleaning dishes, produce and hands, but how often do you clean it? Whether you have a garbage disposal or regular drain, there’s plenty of easy and quick ways to clean out your sink. To clean and deodorize your garbage disposal, drop in lemon slices, a couple tablespoons of salt and a few ice cubes. The lemon deodorizes, while the ice and salt clean away residue. To rid your drain of grease clogs, try pouring in two liters of boiling water mixed with dish soap. For tougher clogs, mix together ½ cup each of salt and baking soda. Pour down the drain and let sit at least half an hour. Then, clear it with a pot of boiling water.


Rinse Your Dishwasher

Believe it or not, homeowners should clean out their dishwashers at least once a month to prevent a buildup of germs and (you guessed it) smells. And running the usual water during dish cycles isn’t enough. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Empty the dishwasher completely
  2. Pour distilled white vinegar into a cup and place on the top rack
  3. Run a full cycle, using the hot-water setting
  4. Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the tub
  5. Run a half-cycle with hot water
  6. Leave your dishwasher open for a few hours to air out


Keep the Trash Clean

It sounds like an oxymoron, but let’s face it: Your trash is probably the source of most smells coming from the kitchen. And if you opt for an air conditioning-less home during the summer, the trash can go from okay to really bad in days. How can you battle the trash can odor? One solution: Use baking soda. Sprinkle some baking soda in the bottom of your trash can or directly into the trash to absorb bad smells. Throwing dryer sheets (used or unused) into the trash is another easy fix to stinky trash.


Be Rid of Post-Dinner Smells

Some meals might taste fantastic, but leave behind not-so-great house smells. Think: cabbage, broccoli, fish and bacon. So, to avoid lingering cooking smells, make sure to ventilate the kitchen and house as much as possible. Turn on your over-the-stove vent, open windows, set up fans pointing out the window. If that doesn’t do the trick, leave a bowl of vinegar, baking soda or coffee grounds out on the counter overnight to absorb any leftover odors. Another trick: Close bedroom and closet doors before cooking. Fabric absorbs grease and odors a lot quicker than hard surfaces, making it more difficult to be rid of smells long after cooking.


Sort Through Your Fridge

It’s always a good idea to clean out and sort through your fridge for any outdated foods, at least twice a year. Toss anything that’s expired, then remove the rest to wipe down the shelves. To deodorize, use a solution of one quart of warm water and 1 tablespoon baking soda. Pro tip: When you go to refill your fridge, make sure it’s not too full– there needs to be enough room for the cool air to circulate.


Once you know the source of your smell, head to your local Sparkle Market for all the ingredients you need to deodorize and clean your kitchen back into shape!