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Natural Mosquito Repellants

Natural Mosquito Repellants

Instead of buying expensive candles and sprays to keep the mosquitos away, try something homemade and natural. There’s a variety of ways to keep the pesky bugs away that are easy, affordable, reusable and best-of-all… natural.

Citrus-Rosemary Centerpieces

For these gorgeous centerpieces that are great for any outdoor party, you’ll need a bowl (we used a fish bowl), 2 lemon slices, 2 lime slices, a few sprigs of rosemary, some water, a floating candle and 8 to 10 drops of lemon-eucalyptus oil.

First, fill the jar with water and then add your lemon-eucalyptus oil. Next, add rosemary, lemon slices and lime slices. Place your floating candle on top of the water and then light it when you’re outside. It gives off such a great scent and it goes great with any outdoor decor.

Citrus and Cloves

This is an easy one! All you’ll need are whole lemons or limes and some whole cloves.

Cut the lemon or lime in half, press cloves into the flesh of the fruit, then just set out on a countertop or on a table while you’re outside. This keeps bees, mosquitos, wasps and flies away!

Reusable Repellant Jar

Another easy and reusable way to keep mosquitos away: you’ll need a mason jar, a clean rag, half of a cup of water and 15 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint, lemongrass or lavender essential oil.

Mix together oil and water to dilute. Saturate the cloth with the essential oil mixture, then place the cloth in the jar and seal. To use, open the jar and let its fragrance do the work. After ever few uses, refresh the cloth with more diluted essential oil.


Lemon grass, lemon verbena, citronella mum, lavender, catnip potted or placed around your outdoor area are an easy way to get rid of mosquitoes with minimal effort.

Watch how to make Natural Mosquito Repellants on YouTube >>

Jalapeño Pepper How-To

Jalapeños add a great flavor and are used in many summer recipes. Or maybe you planted some in your garden and don't know how to properly cut them. Try these couple tips to help you out while cutting and seeding jalapeños.
Prep Time10 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Author: Sparkle Markets


  • jalapenos
  • knife
  • olive oil
  • dish soap
  • rubbing alcohol


How to Cut

  • Start by cutting off the stem of the pepper. Then cut length-wise down the center of the pepper. When you split the pepper open, you'll see the seeds and white ribs of the pepper. This is where the spice is. Using gloved hands, use your fingers to pull out the seeds and white ribs. If you want a spicier flavor, you can leave some of the seeds and white part in. Then slice or dice however you like. 

Tips to Keep the Spice off Your Hands

  • The oils in the jalapeños sometimes stay on hour hands and fingers for long after you cut them. They can even burn your skin. To help with this, always use gloves when you're cutting jalapeños. If you forget to wear gloves, you can rub olive oil onto your hands to remove the oils. One of the best ways to get rid of the spice on your hands is by using a strong dish soap (not hand soap). Dish soap is meant to cut through oil and grease, so by washing your hands with it, the soap will help remove the spicy oil. Finally, you can put a little rubbing alcohol on your hands. You want to be careful with this one, since it could potentially dry out your skin, but it will work wonders on removing the spice.Tips to Keep the Spice off Your Hands