
4 Ways to Spring Clean Your House

4 Ways to Spring Clean Your House

With the official start of spring almost always comes the desire to clean your house and make everything *Sparkle* (no pun intended)! With the weather changing and schedules becoming busier, time will be spent attending games, practices and enjoying the outdoors… instead of cleaning. From making your own cleaners to finding more quick, natural and new ways to clean different parts of your house, we have a few easy tips to help you out.

Natural Cleaners

Many of us are starting to grow more concerned with how many chemicals we use throughout the house. We’ve come up with a few options that use things you’ll likely have around the house and can be used on most surfaces. Not only that, but they’ll leave your house smelling great.

Clean Out the Sink

The kitchen sink is undoubtedly your main way of cleaning dishes, produce and hands, but how often do you clean it? Whether you have a garbage disposal or regular drain, there’s plenty of easy and quick ways to clean out your sink. To clean and deodorize your garbage disposal, drop in lemon slices, a couple tablespoons of salt and a few ice cubes. The lemon deodorizes, while the ice and salt clean away residue. To rid your drain of grease clogs, try pouring in two liters of boiling water mixed with dish soap. For tougher clogs, mix together ½ cup each of salt and baking soda. Pour down the drain and let sit at least half an hour. Then, clear it with a pot of boiling water.

Oven Cleaning

Let’s face it, the one thing that very rarely gets cleaned in the kitchen in your oven. It takes a ton of time, is difficult and is something that pretty much no one enjoys. For an easy way to clean the difficult appliance, mix ½ cup of warm water and ¾ cup baking soda into a paste. Spread the paste over the inside of the oven and over any stains. Let it sit overnight and wipe it away with a wet cloth the next day.

Getting Rid of Gnats in Your Kitchen

Gnats are one thing that can make even the cleanest houses and kitchens instantly feel dirty. Those pesky little flying insects tend to turn up around sink drains, fruit and trash cans. There a few ways to easily get rid of them with things you have around the house without chemicals or sprays.

Next time you stop by your local Sparkle Market for all your groceries, pick up what you’ll need to try these easy cleaning tips pause and think of ways you can reduce plastics during your shopping trip! Sign up for our Sparkle E-Deals and get weekly recipes and specials delivered right to your inbox!