Smash Burgers with Secret Sauce

Once you learn how to make a smash burger, you’ll never go back! This thin burger is juicy and cooks in just a couple minutes, with crispy edges and crust. The key to making a great smash burger is a hot skillet that helps you get crispy, webbed edges. Finish it off with our “secret sauce” and your favorite toppings for an instant hit! Read more

Tasty Summer Grill Favorites

Fire up those grills! As the heat of the summer rolls on, peak grill season is upon us. Nothing is more nostalgic in the summer than a classic barbecue that the whole family can enjoy! Soak up the sun and some family time by trying Sparkle Market’s picks for your next barbecue. Read more

Beer Can Chicken using Penguin City Beer

A great way to cook a whole chicken is on the grill. Cooking it over a can of Penguin City Beer helps to make sure the chicken doesn’t dry out and adds a great flavor. Try out Megan’s Beer Can Chicken for a dinner the whole family will love.

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Steak Kebabs with Veggies

Marinating London Broil makes it extra tender. We are getting the grill going and making the perfect summer dinner… steak and veggie kebabs. Adding mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes and onions to the steak makes it an entire meal on a stick!


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