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5 Helpful Tips for Baking with Kids

Tips for Baking with Kids

Baking cookies, cakes and everything in between is one tradition that never seems to get old. This year, before getting the kids involved, take a look at these five helpful tips for baking with kids.

Choose Simple Recipes   

Before inviting the kids into the kitchen, make sure to choose a recipe that is relatively simple, or one that you’re familiar with. Easy recipes mean paying more attention to your kids and less frustrations in the kitchen (for you and the kids). If you want to opt for a more complex recipe, consider completing some of the steps before the kids join.


Set Up Ahead of Time

Nothing is worse for a kid than waiting around for the fun to begin. So, try to set out as much as possible ahead of time. Cover your work area with wax paper, get out the bowls and spatulas and find all the needed ingredients.


Assign Tasks by Age   

Avoid messes and confusion in the kitchen by assigning tasks by age. Your youngest bakers can sort candies by color, while your older kids can measure out the ingredients. Pro tip: Use multiple bowls to measure into, so that if your measurers mess up they can start over without ruining the whole batch. Regardless of which tasks are assigned, make sure they all seem equally important to kids- that way, there’s no fighting!


Make Extras

When baking cakes or cookies that need decorated, make a little extra that the kids can play with on their own. This way, you can let them cut out and decorate their own cookies and cakes without worrying about how they look. Set aside the rest of the batch to complete separately if you need desserts baked for a specific event.


Plan Activities During Downtime  

We can probably all agree that the most boring part of baking (for both kids and adults), is waiting for the desserts to bake. Keep things fun and plan ahead with new tasks for the kids to do during baking downtime. The kids can help clean dishes, wipe down the counter or prepare the frosting and decorations, if needed.


Easy Cookies and Desserts to Make with Kids

Here’s a few cookies and desserts that you can make with your kids, using ingredients from your local Sparkle.



Before you get baking, make sure to visit your local Sparkle Market for all the quality ingredients you need to make your sweet treats with the kiddos a success!