
6 Easy Back-To-School Lunch Ideas

6 Back-To-School Lunch Ideas

As the summer starts winding down, a new school year is upon us! Packing lunches and coming up with new ideas for this school year can be hard, but Sparkle Markets has you covered. Here is a list of back-to-school lunch ideas that will keep your children full!

Peanut Butter & Jelly

An American school lunch classic, Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches have been around since gaining popularity in the 1920s. It’s also a quick, easy lunch to throw together last minute when you’re running out the door. Our PB & J on a Stick recipe is a fun alternative to your traditional sandwich, and great when you need to save space in a lunchbox. PB & J Wrap or Quesadilla are also a fun twist on the classic recipe, and gives your kids more of a variety in their lunch box!

Lunch Snack Wraps

Gaining popularity due to people searching for bread alternatives, snack wraps are a great way to switch up your regular sandwiches. Snack wraps also have the benefit of being easy to store, taking up less space in a container than other options. We recommend our recipes for Turkey Snack Wrap and Bagel Ham Sandwich, or our Chicken Hummus Wraps to try out this back-to-school season!

Pasta Salad

Parents are busy enough, so why not multi-purpose a side dish this good? Sparkle’s BBQ Ranch Pasta Salad and Garden Pasta Salad recipes are family favorites that would fit right into your lunch menu! This is also an excellent way to make sure your child is eating their daily recommended amount of vegetables, while still being tasty and easy to eat! This would be a great option for a larger family as parents can make large portions of pasta salad to use at a later date.

For more tips and recipes, sign up for Sparkle Edeals to hear more!